Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Part 1
          We study history on different scales because there was different things and different society's in other times in history.  Living things reacted to eachother differently in the past then they do today. I think we study things as large as the Universe and things as small as DNA to show us how small we are and how huge and tiny things are out there. It shows us that we are part of this huge community of all these different types of elements. I noticed that the baseball (Jupiter) and the raisin (Earth) were way closer to eachother then the raisin was to the basketball (the sun).

Part 2
          The advantage of seeing an object at different distances is to see how it looks compared to other objects. Seeing an object farther away lets you compare it to objects around it. Looking at an object up close let's you see more detail in the object. The advantage of seeing the same object at different distances is that you can see both detail and comparison to other objects.

Part 2 #1
          The main idea of his essay is that you should study history in different scales. No, according to to David historians typically don not study on differenbt scales. He thinks its important because if you study on big scales you can see the big picture and if u study on small scales you get more details.
David uses maps to illuminate the issue of small scales by showing that maps have many things compressed into them.

Part 2 #1 journal
          Studying history at different levels helps you see big ideas and details of the past. Maps are like studying history on different levels. Some maps are of a pasific town and then there are maps of states. In the bigger maps you don't get the detail you do in the smaller scale maps, but in the bigger scale maps you can see the surroundings.

Part 2 #3
          The main ideas of Braudels essays is that there are three different levels of scales. The three scales Braudels used were the indavisual human, the group, and the whole world to think about the past and present. His ideas are that there are three levels that are studied in history.

Part 2 #3 journal
          Braudels thinks there are three levels of history. The levels are humans, groups, and the world. I think they agree on studying with different scales. They both think that studying with different levels give you advantages and disadvantages. If Braudels made the powers of ten it would of stopped at the world. The first zoom would of been of a human, then the second zoom would be of a big city, then the third zoom would be of the world.

Part 4
          The graph was different levels, starting at humans and going up to the globe. The graph made me think about what humans are all part of, and that you get more detail looking at smaller scales. I have thought about WWII from different scales. For example, part of the war was the holocaust and another part of the war was battles in Africa. The advantage of studying it at different scales was that I learned about the details about why the war started. A difficulty is that studying about just the battles you don't learn about why the war started and about the details of what the Nazis were doing.

Part 5 journal
          I learned that im living in micro history. I learned that I live in a nice house, a small town, and in Hamilton county from looking at maps. I saw all the different towns in Hamilton county that surrounds Blairsburg. I thought about how big Blairsburg is compared to the rest of the towns in Hamilton county. When looking at the county map I could see Blairsburg compared to other town and when looking at just Blairsburg I couldn't do that.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

It tells us how everything all started and explains to us how things work.

Some people believe everything started all because of faith and some only believe in facts.